Thursday, September 6, 2012

Celebrity Culture

From the behaviours today’s celebrities I feel that todays culture is more and more about instant information predominantly fed through the ‘Twittersphere.’
The celebrity culture changes though. Two years ago it was to join a radical religion, five years ago it was to adopt African children, and ten years ago it was copy what Justin Timberlake was doing.

Though when trying to answer the question, ‘Which comes first, the celebrity of the culture?’ I cannot help feeling that it’s slightly similar to the chicken and the egg theory (am I stretching this too far?).

In my tutorial this week the question “Who was the worlds first celebrity?” was asked. After some thought, and bypassing of Jesus, we came to think it was in face Charlie Chaplin; the first great Hollywood actor.

If this is the case, then the culture of Hollywood movies in the United States created the ‘celebrity’.

So moving back to today’s era. The celebrity culture of building an extra-textual version of public individual occurs over social media, video and photos included.

Think of Lady Gaga, her appearance is a great example of an extra-textual version of somebody. The paparazzi, and public allow her to live in the culture specially created for her through the gossip magazines, newspapers and social media.

The culture, which is continually created for the celebrity, will continue to have an impact through the media. The current alternative culture for the celebrity will soon be eradicated for something different.
In my opinion, something related to social media. 

Crushable, 'Lady Gaga Kermit', retrieved 6 September <>

Gotta Love Gossup, 'Gossip Magazines', retrieved 6 September <>


  1. your post have a clear statement and with strong photo to support it. Good example you used in here. And have a strong personal opinion, however, lack of scholarly engagement, if there is more academic resource to support your idea that will be perfect. i like your post anyway, its clear and simply to read and understand.

  2. Would you suggest that certain cultures are in fact a 'phase' ? Promoting the idea that current culture for celebrity will change and is forever changing? I like how you looked at changes within celebrity culture - religion, adoption, and what JT was doing.

  3. Some interesting ideas here, although I think you could be a bit more succinct with your delivery. This would’ve made your post a bit clear and fluent. For what it’s worth, I think the world’s first celebrity could have been King Arthur or Julius Cesar given their popularity and role within history. I felt you used some good pictures to illustrate your ideas.
